Fixing My Shit  One Moment at a Time

And so we begin…

This site started almost 15 years ago as a way to notice the small moments of realization and change my life with them.  That has all changed.  I am now 58 years old and still trying to fix my shit.  I am not a shrink or therapist or anyone else that might know something that may help you but my hope is in me fixing me, you can also find some comfort or knowledge or insight with it.  If nothing else, maybe it will be entertaining or make you feel better about your own life.  

I was going to tell you a little about me but I think I will just let you figure it out as we go along.  It will add to the excitement.  So with that said, let’s just go.  If you are just starting this, go to the beginning or it won’t make much sense.  Lets go!